Selsdon Little League provides organised football in a safe and friendly environment for boys and girls of all abilities between the ages of 7 to 14 in Selsdon, Sanderstead, South Croydon and the surrounding areas

Bantams Division
The Selsdon Little League Bantams division is great for children of all abilities in school years 2,3 and 4. Here they get the opportunity to play competitive football in a safe and friendly environment that promotes fair-play and fun hand-in-hand with healthy competition. We truly are focused on the development of the player (socially, technically, physically and psychologically) and do not value the all too common ‘win at all costs’ mentality.
In this age group teams play 7-a-side football for the first time on appropriately sized pitches and 6' by 12' goals.
All players will get equal playing time throughout the season.
There will be various games and competitions throughout the season where teams are picked on the day. Each game will have regular breaks for refreshment and motivation!
​Selsdon Little League really is a fantastic way for kids and parents to make new friends and have fun and players to progress as footballers.
Everyone who joins is actively
encouraged to get involved -
whether as a player, a spectator
(cheering on your team) or even
becoming a manager!
​New players are always welcome
throughout the season so please
contact us using the form below
to register your interest.
We look forward to hearing from you.